Bare-throated Tiger Heron #2, Costa Rica
The Bare-throated Tiger Heron is a striking and stealthy predator found in Costa Rica’s wetlands and mangroves. With its bold tiger-like stripes across its chest and back, this heron looks as fierce as its name suggests. Its most unique feature is the bare, patch of skin on its throat, which turns a bright yellow during courtship displays. Known for its patience, the heron often stands motionless near the water’s edge, waiting to spear an unsuspecting fish, crab, or frog with its dagger-like beak. Despite its large size, it moves with incredible grace, blending into the reeds and marshy surroundings. Whether stalking prey or showing off its dramatic plumage, the Bare-throated Tiger Heron is a captivating part of Costa Rica’s rich wildlife tapestry.